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Welcome to my blog
Enter at your Risk While I Bleed..

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Special Thanks to

deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

Bleed in Here

ShoutMix chat widget

Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Phew..wad a week this week has becum to..Last sat i had to go to la salle for an interview to try my luck in getting a place there..n that dae had nvr gotten better..i came out of my my house early..but took the late mrt..n i reach there 1 hr later at 9.45 am..-.- my interview started at 9.30!! n i quickly rush to find the location..n u noe wad happen guys/readers? i got freaking lost.. -.-'''' damn it..i went ard asking ppl where is la salle..lucky there is some kind souls to tell me where it is..8D but still i finally reach the location..n guess wad time i reach the place? 10.45 am !!!! OMG!!! <_< n i was soaked in my own sweat..the interview started well..but they asked me abt my fav work..i had to show them my video works while the others show ART WORKS!! D:< sigh..looks like i hav to stay back sec 4 n retake my 'o's again this yr...haiz..well the rest of the week hav been ok..but my addiction to a computer game came back...O_O a game called RAGNAROK!! D:< damn that game is addictive...shld hav cum wif a warning or smthing..<_< i would play it like there is no tmr...n sry guys i hav not been on msn..this game is freaking addictive..i try to break this addiction n get back on my books to study my sec 4 work..n now abt my personal life..its going great between me n her..love her loads!! but we nvr get to see each other that much..=( mish my lovely sayang so muchie!! n i guess thats all readers..n thx for being patient wif me..=D LOVE U READERS SO MUCHIE!!!

12:42 PM
the out of reach


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I hav made a new blog skin..It took me some time to do my blog..but i hope it is very satisfying to everyone who visit this blog..hehe..=D even though it is not really completed,i hope i can get positive comments frm u guys..n in advance thx for the comments..MUAHAHAHA!! sry for i hav not being posting in the events that hav change my life for the better ..n finally i am doing it now..I was enrolled in the MindChamps program where i was taught methods to study the better n effective way..It was very interesting n for i being a very open to meeting new frens,I made a couple of frens..weee they r fun n nice to hang out wif..hehe...but now my course hav finished,i am starting to miss them lots...=( but lately i went to another course n this time it is a course called "Empower U"..IT WAS THE MOST ENJOYABLE TIME I HAD!!!! I WAS HAVING MY TIME OF MY LIFE WIF MY MINDCHAMPS FRENS!!! OMG!! A MOMENT I WILL NVR FORGET!! hehe..n i will definitely going to miss them...=/..n lets move on wif my life..i was sad that i did not get to any poly that i really was looking forward to..but i kept my hopes high n i am trying my luck at La Salle...WISH ME LUCK EVERYONE!!! hehe ^_^..N i am currently attached to a girl that is exactly like me...she is nice,sweet,cute(juz like me..jk..i am a bit thick skinned hehe..) n i love everything abt her..I juz love her Loads...=3..n I love to everyone who tag this blog..I will love u Forever..hehe xD..Thx for visiting my blog..I will post smthing new when i am free k? THX ALL!!!

8:12 PM
the out of reach
