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Welcome to my blog
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deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

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Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hmm finally time for me to blog in...MUAHAHAHA!! lets start the story wif once a upon a time..LOL!! xDDD jk...lets juz get on wif it...

Mondae(16 July 2007):Hmm quite a boring dae i can say...went to sch as per normal..but my had a new fucked up maths teacher...wtf..he was like one action teacher..saying that he can overwrite the section head(head of dept) decision n he can even fire them...wah...he was like the president in that sch...nOT! dun wish to talk more abt him...makes my blood boil..n the rest of the daes i chatted wif my beloved sayang..

Tuesdae(17 july 2007): same as on mondae...boring...sch...LOL...chatted wif my sayang i did...hehe..

Wednesdae(18 July 2007):same...but in the morning, our maths teacher,Mr Stephan(i dun noe how it spells..cause i dun care) came...he scolded the whole class...for the majority of us did not attend maths class for more than 5 times...i was like fucked up...then after we had PE...me n my fren,feros, played ping pong wif badminton rackets n not using the table...LOL!! i was like laughing hard...xDDD i can say we were a bit crazy...hehe...n the rest of the dae i went to get ready for fridae's public concert...MUAHAHA!!

Thursdae(19 July 2007):A hectic dae for me on this dae...I had sch as per normal till 2.30 pm...after that i went wif my fren to westmall to buy myself black pants...lol even though i juz need to buy one,i took a long time to choose..hehe xDD after that i decided to go to ahmad's house to show him my dressing for the public concert...wah..i look so smart hehe..n then problems arises..my sayang did not get her ticket cause of her stupid form teacher...wah D: but luckily i went to ask my frens if they hav extra tickets to sell...n thx to ahmad d..he is willing to sell it at 12 dolars though..but still i hate him...nah jk...juz when he overprice me...n phew probs solved...MUAHAHAH!! can't wait for fridae...

Fridae(20 july 2007):THE DAE I HAV BEEN WAITING FOR!!! WEE~~ i was a bit stressed out cause akid told me to meet him at 2.30 pm at bpp...when he told previously to meet him at 3..wth...i was rushing to get ready n at the same time msged my sayang to meet me there at the same time...but phew i met up wif akid n sayang outside mac...n we went to the arcade to wait for the rest of the gang(fir,shahrul and ahmad d)...we play some air hockey n shooting games...n we went to the toilet to do some final hair checking n man stuffs..LOL!! i also managed to take a pic wif my sayang..(dun wry ppl..i will upload the pics when i can) n we all were off to cck mrt first..to meet up wif aisyah...n we r all officially off to VICTORIA CONCERT HALL!!! all of us except fir n aisyah who were somewhere else in the train were acting crazy..n took some pics..xDDD LOL!! we reached raffles place interchange...n some of them were complaining that they were hungry..of course me too...xDD but we had to move on...at one point we thought we were lost..haha but luckily fir saved the dae by telling where it was located..xDD during the walk to the location,akid,ahmad d n shahrul were acting gay by holding hands...o.o n yah we also sang the spongebob squarepants theme song when there were tourists ard loudly..that made me n my sayang laughed loudly..MUAHAHA!! we reached the place at ard 5.30 pm..the guys n me had to do some mb stuffs n i had to leave my sayang for awhile...n the teacher was like so blur cause it was like i planning everything...had a bit probs but everything went well..i n shahrul managed to find a seat n leave some empty seats for some ppl..LOL we are evil...n my sayang sat beside me on the left...aww..n akid sat right of me...xDD first we had the co...it was a bit boring...n because i was having a slight headache..but luckily my sayang was beside me..held on her hand most of the time...the second part of the concert...was better than the first part...i would to say it was fabulous..MUAHAHA!! ahmad n khai 's performance was fantastic..love it!! then next it was a duet by nur elydia n firman singing my boo...one word fabulous...i held my sayang hand tighter...awww...n then we had the band....spectacular was the word i am going to say abt their performance..n finally it was the end of the concert...at that time i was feeling a bit tired n a bad headache cuming up...sigh...after me n the mb gang met up wif miss eng to return the equipment...n met up wif ahmad n the rest of the tpb...we all decided to go to the esplanade to take a short break enjoying the view frm the top of it...aww the night was so beautiful...wif the moon n the scenery...we all went to do our own stuffs or walk ard...so i n my sayang finally had some quality time together...i gave her a couple of kisses...n it was romantic..we finally went off to another place...when we reach to the location,sharul,akid n ahmad d had to go off home..wah...Dx well it was quite late..the rest of us went to take some pics...before we all decided to go home..n wtf the mrt was packed to the core...x.x so me,my sayang,ahmad,shaiful,fir n aisyah had to stand...shoot...i cant send my sayang all the way home cause her mum n bro went to pick her up...wah..Dx well i went home at ard 11 pm...tired n headache...I LOVE U MY SAYANG!!

n i am writing in rite now...sayang i love u so much...i cant seem to get u out of my mind...*kisses* hehe..thx for everyone for visiting my blog...cya all..

3:54 PM
the out of reach


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


11:23 PM
the out of reach


Saturday, July 14, 2007

BOO!! MUAHAHAH!! so i am here to blog wad i hav been doing all this time...well i can say that some of the daes are quite boring..so i will juz tell u all the daes that r memorable for me...

Mondae(9 july):i finally ended my holidae n went back to sch...NUUU~~~ but at the same time i some sort missed ITE though..hehe xD..i woke up very the darn late...like ard 11 am..when MY CLASS STARTS AT 8 AM!! WAH!! i missed my FIA lesson...but i went for my engineering maths class..phew at least i did not miss my maths class....n the rest of the dae i crapped at home...most importantly chatted wif my sayang..

Tuesdae(10 july):as usual went to sch...but i was like 15 mins late for my first class..BUT LUCKY my teacher was like out for a few mins...so i was saved..phew..haha xD..i ended at ard 4 pm...n oo yah..i went to see my sayang...wee~~ she was having a course n ended like ard 6 pm...so i rushed back home place my bag...n went to meet my sayang at the bus stop...aww can i say she was cute...n will always be...we went to bpp..i went to buy her some food cause she haven eaten yet...i was concerned for her...my dae got bad when me n my sayang was walking towards her block when this 4 fajar sec girls walked past us n was like saying to us "wadever"...i was pissed off but ignored those bitches...n it got worse when they thought i was looking like a girl...WTF!! at that point i was like going up to one of them n punch their FUKING FACE!! i dun like hitting a girl but i could hav done it...but i knew i had to control my temper in front of my sayang...sigh...i becum totally emo for the rest of dae...

Wednesdae(11july):had sch at ard 8 am...phew i was a bit late cause i went to take this so called new bus "188E"...LOL..hate the bus...made me feel scared when it went to take a different route frm the normal 188...but i managed to reach my destination...i ended sch at ard 3 pm...n decided to go back to twss...MUAHAHA!! but i reached at ard 4 pm..n the mb meeting was like going to finish..LOL..Dx n went back home at ard 6 pm...i did not get to see my sayang cause she was at that time at home...sigh...can i miss her alot?

Thursdae(12 july):hmm..i had an english class in the afternoon frm 1-3 pm...had a gd laugh in class...xDD n we all had to be in grps n had to brainstorm a perfect class souvneir...my grp contain me,zack,faizul,feros n alif...the so called perfect team..MUAHAHAH!! xDDD n the rest of dae..i chatted wif my sayang...aww...planning to go watch a movie on fridae though...

Fridae(todae):YIPPEE!! fridae...n i hav no class todae!!! MUAHAHAHA!! me n my ite fren,feros decided to go watch a movie...we haven decided yet though...either die hard 4.0 or transformers...hmm harry potter will be next wk..wow i am so free to watch movie nowadays..jealous anyone? jk...xDDD so we decided wo watch transformer cause it was starting a bit earlier than die hard 4.0...weee~~ went in at ard 3.40 pm...n omg the show started wif an action scene...!!!! it was full of shooting n fighting...optimus prime,bumble bee n 3 other autobot aka gd guys...wah at first i though they cant talk...n when they talk,i was like amazed...n it was cool...xDD megatron,destroyer n 3 other decipticons aka bad guys...sry if i cant remember all their names...wow the show was like 24/7 action filled..!!! I AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WIF THE MOVIE!! ANYBODY WAN TO WATCH IT AGAIN WIF ME??? hehe..xDDD..i got back home at ard 6.15 pm...cause the movie was like 2hrs long...i got back home n was like damn tired...sry sayang i did not manage to chat wif u that much todae...i am so missing her so much...n i miss her kiss...aww...

n rite now i am blogging in...hehe...thx all for looking at my blog...THANK U AGAIN GUYS N GALS!!! *gives cookies*...*gives kisses to my sayang* hehe..I LOVE U SAYANG!!...bb all..

12:42 AM
the out of reach


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Escape Pics!!!

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After the escape trip...

Random Pic Wif Gaily n THE OSTRICH!!
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Aww..so sweet...
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Being emo in the train...
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I n her in the library...
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7:15 PM
the out of reach


Monday, July 02, 2007

Muahahaha!! sry guys n gals if i haven blogged in these daes..xDD cause my freaking holidaes r so the damn boring....sigh...OKIE IMMA TELL U THE DAES I HAD THE MOST FUN!!

Wed(27 June):okie i had to follow my mum n my granma to go to lavender to renew my passport n fingerprint of my grandma..wah..i had to wake up early..but phew i had enough time to do all my stuffs...like bathing n did a little exercise...hehe..n i woke up at ard 8 am n we all went out at ard 10am...i thought that i will not hav enough time to go back twss..so i was like a bit rushing..even my photo taken there was like one big asshole in the pic...SO HORRIBLE!! WITHOUT MY SPECS!! ps i will update into my blog when i get the photo frm my mum...n after all that we went to eat the cafeteria...n the food was like making me "mabuk"..LOL!! cause it sux...n we all took a taxi back to bukit panjang..but i decided to go twss after we all reach at my grandma's house...as it was onli 11.30am,i decided to go to bukit panjang plaza..go n change into my mb shirt n buy old change kee for my buddies..see i so nice one...hehe *thick skin*..then i went back twss..n was like the sch has some sort of haven changed..boring...then it was mb meeting time...MUAHAHAH!! MET UP WIF MY CRAZY BUDDIES!!! WEEE~~ LOVE IT!! we were like slacking one corner...hehe..eh thats wad mb members do every meeting...n when ahmad came..we did like stupid stuffs at the fitness corner...yeah i wan to see my sayang too...hehe n we got some pics..
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The Horny Pic!!
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n we had a fun..n i had a great dae cause i got to meet my sayang in her cca..aww..i love her loadz k?

Mondae(2 July):YIPPEE!! i noe its todae...THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!!...to me n of course not for u all...todae me n my mindchamps frens decided to go to the escape theme park TO ENJOY YOUTH DAE!!! hehe...weee~~ i woke up at ard 8am..even though i slp yesterdae at 2 am...LOL!! maybe i was too excited to slp...hehe...i got ready cause i need to go out at 11.30..n of course i came out late...wtf...i am always late..sigh...anyways i went off to meet wif joshua aka huney at the jurong east interchange mac..LOL!! we were like late n we still hav time to buy mac..but luckily i suggest that we buy food at cheers...to save time..cause joshua aka gail called me...n he was like at vivo city already...sry..wah...both of us went straight to the mrt..n joshua aka huney bought a "pirated" green tea n it taste like mineral water...LOL!! we got on the train..n we did not get a seat..wah..but i suggested that we sit on the floor like poor ppl..hehe..but it was like fun sey...i pity all who were standing..MUAHAHAH!! okie n we met up wif joshua aka gail at the city hall interchange..phew...n charmaine was like angry at us..cause we were like FREAKING LATE!!! SRY CHARMAINE!! WAH!! i noe she was like to kill all of us...so i suggested to point all the blame to joshua aka huney..wow...i did not noe i was that evil..hehe..o.o..we met up charmaine n we went to take a bus no.mm 21..i think so..forgetful meh..X.X n i got to noe charmaine's phobia!!! MUAHAHA!! now i can scare u!! we went down n walked all the way to the entrance..under the freaking hot sun..WAH!! like melting sey...n when we reach charmaine say xiaoting can't go..like i dun noe wad reason..n charmaine wan to go her house...sigh left 3 "spice girls"...we went in to check the price for the chalet..wow quite cheap 99 dolars...MUAHAHA!! after that we went to go escape...WEEE~~ we went to go the "haunted house"..LOL!! more like a moron house...it wasn't scary at all...waste our time onli...then we went to play some games like throw the ring onto the bottle...n joshua got 1 in..WOOOHOO!! n we got like this freaking big ostrich..wah...so big..n it was like shedding its "feathers"..after that we went to ride the ferris wheel...wee~~ took pics n a video of us being retard...hehe..after that we went to play the basketball game...me n gail got in 1 ball onli..sigh...after that we went to ride the wet wet wild ride!!! OMG!! I FREAKING LIKE THIS RIDE!! i like the going the slope...N the first time i rode alone...BUT WIF THE OSTRICH!! n everyone was like looking at me n some sort of "cheering" for me..hehe xDD LOL !! after that we went to play the bumper boats...n i got gang banged by my own spice girls..n other ppl too...wah..at the same time i saw my twss buddies!! wah! n i sprayed water to everyone...n in the end i got seriously wet..hehe...n rite after that my twss buddies wan to take a pic wif me...gd times!! hehe xDD the spice girls then decided to go to play the go-kart...n it was long...waited like 40 mins i think...darn so long...but it was fun...hehe!!! but i was last at the way...sigh...as it was almost time for us to go,we all decided to take the wet wet wild ride for the finale...i went to take it 2 times...one wif gail...n the other wif huney...the last one wif gail...i shouted chitbye like so damn loud sia...WAH!! I SO THE DARING!! LOL!! XD after that we went to take our things..to go back home...aww...i miss the rides already....n also joshua aka huney's enemy was there...thats why too...wah he was like acting gangster...wah..act onli...i feel like punching his face...when he caused the delay in the ride...kanina..ok forget abt him...the spice girls went to take the train back home...n as usual sat on the floor like we own the train...MUAHAHAH!! n joshua aka gail got a phone call frm his mum saying that he had to go down at paya lebar station...wah...so fast he leaving us already....n i was left me n joshua aka huney n dun forget the ostrich....it was like damn big sia...ppl were like looking at us...LOL!! wad see see...then both of us suggested to make the ostrich as our mascot for S4L 7017...WEEE~~ n after we went off our separate ways....

n i am blogging in rite now...headache,muscle cramps,tired...btw i am sry that i wrote so long...hehe...n ooo yah..tmr is my 4 months wif her...wow so fast sey...Sayang i love u alot...i think of u dae n nite...LOVE U LOADZ!! *kisses* wah cey cey..i am so mushy...hehe okie thats all guys n gals...thx for reading my blog..*gives cookies*

10:59 PM
the out of reach
