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deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

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Blog-RP Frens

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Time For Dae 2 for the sec 1 camp....xDDD

Saturday:Hmm..I woke up at ard 6 am cause the bloody mb rm was cold to the max...n i cant slp argh~ since i woke up earlier than the rest of the mb gang,i decided to take a walk outside the rm...n let my mind rest...after a dae of probs...haiz...the rest woke up at ard 6.30 am...n we all went to brush our teeth n went up to the hall for the sec 1 morning pt...lol..i was like half dead...so i juz went up the stage n sat down behind one of the curtains...n after the freaky pt,we hav breakfast...xDDD *munch munch* LOL hehe we finally got some energy for us to last for the rest of the long dae....even though i was not in the gd mood...i try to put a smile in front of everyone...after that the sec 1 were having the cheers rehearsal..while me n ahmad hav to "pack some candles wif tissues at the bottom of it...lol..thats when we went crazy cause we were high wif food in our bellies...xDD n after that we r going a miss n mr orientation contest...o.o wow a new programme for the sec 1 camp...since we wanted to take part in the competition for the fun of it,we decided to dress ourselves as robin for ahmad n poison ivy for me..well akid n marcusbuih!! xDDD but after asking miss deborah tan,we got the red light...argh~ so we juz had fun at the back of the hall...another plan foiled...haiz...so i juz went to the back of the sec 1 classes n sat there...to enjoy the crowning of miss n mrwif the newspapers on them body as clothes for it...ps they r wearing clothes below it...dun think dirty ppl..X.X after all that,we all decided to go down to the mb n rush to do some editing cause it was for the sec 1 initiation ceremony...weee~~ after that,the whole mb hav to go n get ready our cca booth....n since ahmad had to go off early,i hav to do everything wif some help frm the mb gang...stress~ n finally it was the cca fair...NUUU~~ n i think i did a very bad job at explaining wad is mediabytes..cause i can see some blur faces...sry guys...i was too stressed out alot....argh~ finally i finished everything at ard 2 pm...n akid had to go off early...aww...well i went up to the gallery to hang out wif shaiful n the rest...we stayed n watched the concert...at ard 3 pm... i think,shaiful n the rest had to go off to lepak at block 6...so it was left me n ashraff...slack for abt 30 mins...then both of us went down to go block 6 to where the rest of th gang were...before that,i went to see my dear for awhile cause i wanna go n fetch her home...n off we went to block 6...lepak for awhile n all of them had to go already...darn...so i waited for my dear at the bus stop..she explained some stuffs to me n the guy who was chasing her...well i got nthing to say...cause i was jealous ok? jealous makna sayang eh? i think so...o.o n i went back home at ard 6 pm..n thats all for dae 2 of the camp..

Haiz...probs after probs...i am juz so fed up wif 2008...n its onli the starting of 2008...i juz hope i can get through this yr wif ease...My dear i love u..i cant bear to part wif u...i noe i did wrg in the past...i juz wan to make up my probs by loving u...juz u...i feel like my heart is gonna wonder again...


8:22 PM
the out of reach


Muahaha!! dil-du IS BACK TO BLOG!! xDD ok i going to blog abt my daes at the sec 1 camp in TWSS...hehe

Fridae:LOL...i noe i dun hav sch on this dae....but me n my crazy fren decided to wake up early n go to sch like any other sch...hehe...cause we hav a very crazy idea...i got myself ready at ard 6 am n went out to meet him at his house...cause his dad wanted to send us to twss...we finally reach to sch at ard 6.20..n btw we were in our old sch uniform...LOL...even though we graduated frm it..xDDD when his dad went drove off,i took out my special "weapons" to act wif my plans...THE GEEK PLAN!!! MUAHAHA!! i took out my patrick n spongebob doll...N tag it on my bag...lol..i look seriously so acting cute...xDDD but my crazy fren,ahmad, did not bring anything to act geeky...sheesh...at least i did not buih!! xDD we finally went outside the senior staff room n took a seat there...btw we were going to wait for akid aka akido...while we waiting for him,me n ahmad went to the canteen to buy some coffee aka our "beer"...muahaha!! we went back up to our stuffs n met up wif akid...hehe.. after that akid had to go meet Miss Ng to open up mediabytes rm...me n ahmad stayed behind to finish up our coffee...then after that we went off to mb rm to juz look ard...we also got our new mb t-shirt...wow looks cool..hehe..after that me n ahmad went off to the hall to assemble wif khair's class even thought we can choose not to...BUT it was part of our plan...but before we can go into the hall...we got caught by Mr Indra...well not to scold n all..but was shocked why we were in sch uniform in the first place...LOL...xDD after that,we went up to gallery n juz got ourselves comfortable..even though i noe i will be caught cause of my DYED hair...n i was sitting way at the front row...i was juz waiting for me to be asked to stand....but to my amazement,the teachers were all blind...or juz playing blind...o.o cause if i was asked to stand,ahmad will stand too for not having a storybook for slient reading...xDDD but luckily everything smoothly...n btw Mdm Jennifer saw me n asked me why i was back in sch...after the assembly,me n ahmad went off to PCCG room to put our big HUGE bag...n GOT READY FOR THE CAMP!! WOOHOO~~ TIME TO BE C-R-A-Z-Y!! we went off to change into our home clothes...n we went to the hall...gosh i like the hall....FLOOR!! so shiny n clean...hehe xDDD we went to the stage stairs n juz sat ard there...n both of us met up wif some "long lost" frens...n btw...the hall was filled wif students wearing orange coloured pe-tshirt...my eyes hurts...seriously...it was so freaking bright..the first programme for the camp was a short breakfast for all...me n the rest of the mb gang went down to the canteen to get our share n munch to our hearts content...lol..n after we had ice breaker games...which i seem to forget...darn short term memory...i remember that during the upper sec recess, me,akid,ahmad,marcus,farah and sharul went down to buy some drinks cause all of us were darn thirsty...LOL...N THX FARAH FOR BELANJA-ING me kikapoo...hehe xDD..n we all juz slacked ourselves at the canteen ...i got to meet wif my dear though..hehe...after that we went up again,cause it was time for the sec 1 to do some cheers n learn the MASS CRAZY DANCE!! hehe xDDD..gosh i was tired out by it that i went down to the canteen n the food for lunch arrived...n me n the mb gang went to help out...eh? dun think that we r all helpful? *twinkles eyes* LOL..we created a fuss over wif the drinks n joked ard...when it was time for the malay students to go n hav their early lunch cause they need to go for their fridae prayers,me,akid,marcus n ahmad went off first...n ps i will not be telling wad happen next...*fast forwards* LOL...next programme was tower building...n we saw a very perfectly built tower..n i guessed it won for the tower building contest...N I SERIOUSLY WONDER WHO CAME UP WIF THE IDEA!! xO i was totally shocked at the tower...n btw we came back to twss late cause we went to get some stuffs first n i wnet to meet up wif my dear n ate my lunch at the same time...after that was time for some afternoon games...the best time for us!! muahahah!! the mb gang went to the first station which was the hoola hoop thingy...hehe...we played ard wif the hoop but was asked by an sc to berambus...wth..Dx but nvm we continued to play for awhile...n then we went off to more stations...xDD we went to the statue station...gosh i think that is the best game ever....the sec 1 students were to move ard in a circle wif music playing...n when it stops,the sc will go ard to try to make the students laugh or move...so they will be asked out...me n the mb gang stayed at the station to help out an sc,aidah, caused a total "havoc" out of it...one by one the sec 1 classes came...we all tried our best to make everyone laugh...well not our best...cause we r already the best...hehe xDD gosh i got a bad sore throat frm it...after that i decided to go down to meet my dear again,cause i seriously need to spend time wif her like i promised her...n akid n sharul had to disturb our wonderful time together...but i dun mind...xDDD i chatted wif her...hehe...then a guy decided to get some attention frm her...so i juz sat there..while she went there to meet up wif her gfs...i juz watched the guy...n of course which bf wont be jealous rite? i was juz plain mad at the way the guy trying to get attention frm her...like malays would say...aku biarkan...so i spent the remaining time wif her cause after that i need to go as Miss Camy Ong was looking for me n ahmad abt some problems...darn...i dun wan to say abt it...cause after 1 prob n this prob...argh~ after all that, me n the mb gang decided to go to the hall for the sec 1 camp...while i was going up,my dear saw me n wanted me to walk wif her as she was going home at that time...awww..so i went over n juz had some time before she had to go...Dear,i dun the kiss u gave me to go away...n i dun wan u fade away frm my life ever again..i juz love u too much...way too much...haiz...jealousy running through my veins rite now...mm back to the camp...after that,the sec 1 were having their dinner..as usual the mb gang went to hav our dinner behind the canteen aka our fav eating location...hehe xDD n after that it was time for the sec 1 to hav the sec 1 intiaiton ceremony rehearsal..i think so...n while they were having the rehearsal, me,marcus,ahmad n akid went to hav our own fun...smwhere..aka "jogging"..hehe xPP after the "jogging",we all went to the hall n noticed that the sec 1 were still having the rehearsal...wth...SO LONG!! well me n the alumni students sat at the parade grounds n juz joked ard...hehe xDD after the long boring rehearsal,it was finally time for some night games!! weee~~ well for the sec 1 though...cause i lost my crazy momentum..after some probs...n also i smelt seriously bad...LOL!! really...O.O i became emo for the rest of the nite..n ahmad suddenly got himself hurt...when i told him not to run ard...xDDD stubborn ahmad...hmpf~ n after that hectic-ness,we finally got our time to rest...n btw it was time for the sec 1 to all to bathe n tuck in to slp...MUAHAHA!! n at this time me n ahmad let our plans to go in place...we moved some mattresses into the pavilion cause me n ahmad was restricted to slp in the mb rm...stupid miss camy ong...n also we plan to call Macdonalds...weee~~ but the "party" totally had to be called off cause Miss Tan came over to our pavilion...n told us to carry the mattresses back n scolded all of us...haiz...totally a bad nite...i do manage to ask ahmad to slp in the mb rm..even though he does not wan too in the first place...n all of us went to take a bathe at ard 3 am...n went to lala land at ard 4.30 am... End Of Dae One...


3:47 PM
the out of reach


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

WooHoo!! A NEW YEAR!! I WANNA GO N JUMP ARD LIKE A MANIAC!! hehe...hi all...lets all welcome 2008 wif ur open arms..i wanna hug it wif my smelly armpits!! LOL!! xDD ok i am being a big retard rite now..O.O wads been happening in my life u all ask..hmmm..well..

Yesterdae i went to a countdown party wif my 5 other frens at the causeway point..lol..well they were having a hip hop party...ps i am not that much into them..but i kinda liked it...not i really expected..ok back to the story...i went to my fren's house at ard 2 pm cause i was all ready to go but my fren decided to go at 5.30 pm...ooo wow...wonderful...so i juz wasted my time at his house..playing his electric guitar n some lame games on his com...well we got some laughter cause i showed him my stand up comedy that i am going to concentrate to be..xDDD My fren n i got ourselves ready n got out of his house at ard 5.30 pm...it took us abt 1 hr to reach...oo yah btw we were suppose to meet his fren there too...N shockily...his fren haven reach to causeway point yet...wth...so my fren n i decided to walk ard causeway point...N LOL at one point we acted like big retards outside the watsons shop...we laughed without warning...n ppl walking pass us stared at us like we need to go to the mental hospital..HAHA xDDD n finally his fren came...n damn my leg was freaking tired by walking ard so much...n we all went off to watch the party...it was damn crowded to my surprise...n we had to stand some more...ARGH! cant it get worse than this...well i got to ahead of myself...the first was a trash metal gig...it was SERIOUSLY MADE UP OF TRASH!! memalukan the genre of metal siak... then its was finally time to see some hip hop dances...gosh its was splendid for some...n it made me wan to learn KRUMPING!! hehe...n btw i seriously "washed my eyes" there...so many chicks...chicks-wannabe....phew...got my heart racing...when it was abt 20 mins frm 12...me n the 5 of us went to a nearby field n sat down...N IT STRUCK 12...FIREWORKS!! a wonderful scene....gosh at that very moment i really wished she was by my side...n after that we all chiong to the mrt..wow packed like one farm sia...n in the mrt...we all can be considered "drunk" or "high"...we laughed so loudly...n did alot of stupid things...GOSH!! LOVE IT!! n i got back home at ard 2.30 am...haha n my mum was not even angry at me...FREEDOM ROCKS!!

well lets juz now wish for a better n brighter 2008!! n i am totally in love wif my one n onli sweetheart...D.N.A Forever!! n a Pic to show a love between us...see the 2 animals at the back..some sort represent us..hehe

1:08 AM
the out of reach
