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Welcome to my blog
Enter at your Risk While I Bleed..

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Special Thanks to

deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

Bleed in Here

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Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

July 2006
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April 2010

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weee~ i am back people..hehe...i hav lots of enjoyable moments and some shocking things to blog abt...xDDD well lets get on wif it..

This was the dae i was gonna depart frm singapore to Ipoh...and it was at 9 pm...argh~ i was anxious and the same time happy to get on the bus...btw it was gonna be an executive bus...LOL!! woot! i msged my honey pie before i got on the bus knowing that i will miss her alot...after that,at ard 9.50 pm, me,my mum,my big and little sis got on the bus...wow! it was nice and spacious..the chair was comfortable n there was a computer connected to everyone single chair...and then we were off...the trip frm the golden mile to the tuas checkpoint took...well believe it or not..3 HOURS!! wtf!! i got bored with waiting and listened to my mp3 and studied for my exam while waiting for it reach the checkpoint...after that,i started to miss singapore....cause i gonna miss her alot...3 daes is like...3 YEARS to me...after we past through the 2 checkpoints,we were finally on the way to ipoh..hmm i was tired and bored by the darn long waiting time at the checkpoint..i went to take a long rest...even though i managed to watch a movie titled 'Pulse'...it was a horror movie...well was not that scary...the trip took a total of 7 hours to reach ipoh...when we reached that main office there,we were to call our uncle to come fetch us up...but none of our hp managed to get through cause spore lines cant be used in malaysia...darn...so i went to ask the bus main office desk whether we can use their phone..but the uncle say they can onli call home number..and not handphone number...i was like pissed by the response...and my first impression of malaysians..STINGY! we were at lost and waiting outside the office...did not know wad to do...after 40mins,my mum and i decided to try our luck again...this time at the desk was an auntie...AND WAD A RELIEF!! she helped us call our uncle and saying that we hav been waiting quite long..and she said that he was otw...phew~

After that,our uncle picked us up..and helped us check into a hotel nearby...wee~ it was a spacious room wif 2 queen sized bed....and an LCD TV!! can i bring it home wif me? LOL..we went to rest and wash up till 2 pm...cause at that time we were to go off for a wedding at my uncle's house..i got tons of rest cause of the comfortable bed...xDDD after that, we went to my uncle's house..but otw there,we in the car at the expressway...when suddenly a kid aged about 3 yrs old came running in front of our car! luckily my cousin's fren was not driving that fast and managed to stop in time...and the kid was like wondering wad was he doing on the road thus the kid as he walked back and fro of the road...my cousin's fren went out the car and quickly stopped the traffic to let the kid away frm harm into his home...he later went to scold at the parents of the child...and guess wad the parents were doing...THEY WERE FREAKING WATCHING TV!!! WTF! and they nearly lost a child..i was like was get out of the car and scold vulgarities..argh~ another bad impression of malaysia...luckily everyone was not harmed..phew...we got at the uncle's house finally and it was packed...i went to up some long lost cousins...wow i did not even recognize them already...and vice versa for them...xDD i did not really involve myself for the wedding..cause after i went to eat,i went inside and some sort took a nap...LOL!! i woke when my family and my wak's family wanted to go town and juz shop for awhile before we go to our respective hotels..yippee! i can go and get some things that i badly wanted..we had a trouble finding for a parking space..cause there were like cars everywhere? O.O finally we managed to find a space...N OFF TO SHOPPING!! ps i suck at shopping..LOL..and also they were like alot of mats-wannabe..and minahs...some act pretty girls...nak cuci mata..tak boleh...kena cuci dengan chlorine lagi bagus...on wif the shopping...i went to buy myself a jacket and gym gloves...and my family bought some things too...after that we went back to my uncle's house and it was raining heavily...FLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! LOL! we went there and ate some dinner..and went back to our hotel...but before watching the first half of man utd vs ports....

phew argh...i am tired..i still hav to go to sch at ard 10 am...i am write in abt the 2nd half..later when i reach home...hehe...xDD cya later!!

7:15 AM
the out of reach


Friday, March 07, 2008

Hey Hey i am back...well..i onli gonna be posting abt todae onli though...hehe..xDDD

well i was pretty tired to go to sch actually but i forced myself to get up n dragged myself to the toilet...cause todae i will be going to malaysia for a wedding to be held whom is my cousin frm my father side family...seriously i dun even noe anynoe frm my father side family...argh...n of course i feel more reluctant to go..even more i thought i wanna go out wif my honey pie this wkend...n spend some precious time together....ARGH~ even if i dun wan to go...my parents will force me too...haiz...i already miss her though...i juz wanna go n run to her house n live outside her house...

well after that i went to sch in a tired state...feeling more lethargic to enter class...well i hav to finish up my class assignments...luckily i managed to finish up 3 more before i am going to hav my exam next wk...N ITS THE FINAL YR EXAM FOR ME!! DX i dun like it one bit...looks like i hav to study in malaysia all by myself....plans to study wif my frens...TOTALLY DASHED!!! SERIOUSLY I DUN NOE WHY I AM SO EASILY FLARING UP EVEN AT THE SLIGHTEST THINGS!! ARGH~!!! the more i wan to run away frm home...haiz...negative thoughts again...

hmm well i juz wanna ask to all of u...I WILL MISS U ALL MY FRENS,BEST FRENS!! I LOVE U ALL!! To my beloved dear...I LOVE U FOREVER N I AM ALREADY MISSING U!!! X.X

thx everyone for reading this blog...cya again on mondae where i will blog abt wad happen in malaysia on mondae...BB!!!

2:05 PM
the out of reach
