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Welcome to my blog
Enter at your Risk While I Bleed..

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Special Thanks to

deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

Bleed in Here

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Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wee! i am back to blog in abt my wk...eh sry i didn't hav time to blog...i was busy this whole wk...mostly i hav been going out and t work...yums yums~ LOL!!! well i cant really tell u abt every single dae happenings...but i can tell u things that me smile...

me,my big sis and my cuzzins had a day out...as usual its the same ppl in my whole family that get well along wif each other..hehe...we all decided to buka outside together as we did this almost every single yr...we all meet up at paya lebar mrt station n walked in the bazzar..well i feel like it hav shrunk...last time it was bigger than this yr...or maybe i am juz dreaming...LOL!! ooo yah...another purpose for this outing was my cuzzin wanted to buy a baju kurung...at first i thought that was his excuse to ask us out...lol..but in the end he did buy a baju kurung...yea!! well this yr was fun...but last yr was still the best...hehe xDDD and thx cuzzins for making fun of me..bluek! caplak and big gup!! LOL!!! xDD

another occassion is i went out wif my elmo..hehe xDD psstt!! cant tell u all the details...juz that i can say...it hav been a really memorable time i had been wif her...as she helped to release my past to start anew wif her...awww...120908!! hehe...

mm anyways i am gonna stop here for now..my hands already tired...gonna go msg her...hehe anyways thx for reading...n if there are going to be spammers in my blog later...i wanna say thx for coming and come again...xDDD

2:45 PM
the out of reach


Saturday, September 13, 2008

120908....a date for me to remember...hehe...u noe...i noe...

I love 120908!! hehe xDDD

11:55 AM
the out of reach


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hehe...i am back frm a dae of "outing"...lol...well i am tired frm a dae of walking...xDD

todae i woke up at ard 4.30am to eat....ps its a torture but i noe i hav to...well at least i am improving myself to wake up early in the morning...lol..i also managed to call smone to juz talk abt stuffs...that sure put a smile on my face todae...hehe xDD

well after that i went back to slp...cause i was darn tired...i woke up again at ard 11.45am as i was suppose to meet smone at amk...well as i was being always the late guy,i reached there as per normal....late...lol...i was very unlucky as i miss the bus when i was abt to go down to the bus stop..and miss the mrt when i juz reached there...argh...so darn unlucky...but nvm at least i can enjoy some quite time listening to my mp3..YESH!! xDDD

after i reached there,i had to wait as she was gonna come and find me...the first she did was to smack me on the shoulder..wow nice...xDD as she wanted me to teach her how to do maths,we decided to go to the library...and we had to walk quite a distance to reach there...during the journey,she really laughed her lungs out...hehe...i guess she cant my merepek-ness...xDD

after we reached there,we took quite some time to find a place cause i really dun mind where we sit...and then finally it was time for me to teach her...eh at least i managed to teach some maths while at the same time joked ard..Yesh!! we stayed there for up to 4pm...cause she needed to go home already...darn so fast? well we went all the way back to amk mrt station...and went to the bus stop...we decided to stay for awhile there...and finally she went back home...

and now i am blogging in...tired and especially hungry...LOL!!

oo yah...i wanna type a poem..juz some random thoughts...

Everytime i look
i look at my heart
noeing that its broken
i try to mend it

with every stitch
i feel the pain like a thousand needles poking through me
i try to endure but it was too unbearable
i put an act to show i am ok

i force a smile juz how i force myself
to be happy and nvr down again
its nvr easy to act it out
but my heart will keep on bleeding juz like how i cut myself

but i noe this is life where there is nvr perfection
and i noe myself i am not perfect too
why shld i care abt other ppl opinion of me?
cause finally in the end i will get accepted...

a totally random poem huh? anyways thx for viewing!! -aidil out-

6:09 PM
the out of reach


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ok i am seriously need to revamped my blogspot sia...like so bloody dead...LOL!! haha...well there is so many things happening wif my life...a major had juz hit and struck me directly through my heart...it hurts but i noe its part of life...hey...no matter wad i will retain my title as retard MAN!! Woohoo!!!

gosh i am so tired this daes...cause its my fasting mth...and i hav to like put some time into my gym-ing...cause i am going straight to serious gym-ing rite now...I WANNA GET THAT 6-PACKS AND BICEPS!! lol...i guess ppl will be like wondering rite? Me? An Emo Guy going gym...hey i can read ur minds...hehe....cause this is one of new yr wishes for this yr...and its coming to an end...but lucky my body is making some progress...YESH!!!!

my life huh? complicated to the max....juz wish to find that princess...a perfect princess who makes wanna save her wif my merepek-ness...LOL!!!! xDDDD

eh anyways i will type abt tmr's event....cause i am gonna do smthing special tmr...hehe...yesh!! i can't wait!! well u guys and girls can wait rite?

hmm u wan i wanna juz type a poem to express my feeling rite now...

This life i hav isn't smthing i wan
Its juz too much for me to handle
I get the urge to see it through
But i hav to keep on moving cause my heart still beating

I walk down this road with bumps and probs
But i ain't gonna stop cause i hav the reason
to move on wif life and search the ans

I may be hurt but nvr destroyed
cause my loved ones will always be there
there will always be a dark one among them
destroying my hope and reason to live

I always believe in myself
cause its always me who brought me back to my feet
with this note i am seeing the light and grasping it

wow....ps i wrote this straight frm my heart...and its instant..LOL!! anyways ths\x for viewing my blog...CYA!!!

11:02 PM
the out of reach
