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Welcome to my blog
Enter at your Risk While I Bleed..

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Special Thanks to

deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

Bleed in Here

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Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
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April 2007
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July 2007
August 2007
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March 2010
April 2010

Monday, October 20, 2008

LOL!!! i am so bored that i am going to blog in abt things that are merepek to the max...xDDDD

5 things abt MEH u nvr noe abt!!

1-You all wanna noe...I spread crappy jokes even though i hav a caring heart to care for ppl all ard me...LOL!!! ppl wan to believe it or not...its ur choice..hehe xDD

2-another thing abt me is....my lips will turn deep red when i drink red syrup...like a girl's lips when they wear lipstick...LOL!!! argh!! wad to do i hav and equal mind of a man and woman...hehe xDD

3-I was fat...very fat...weighing abt 75kg when i was in sec 1...well if ppl dun believe me,i go upload a pic in awhile...
THIS IS THE ONE!!! hard to believe rite? well i get alot of that..lol...o.o

4-I am childish...very childish...when it comes to getting noe new ppl...i hav a mind of a 12 yr old..in this body of a teen 18 yr old...hehe xDD

5-LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!! i eat more than 4 times a dae...if there is food in my house...LOL!!! yups yups...i eat like a slob...well more like a pig...MUAHAHAHA!! xDDD well okie thx for viewing!!!

10:09 PM
the out of reach


Thursday, October 16, 2008

LOL!! wow so long i nvr been blogging in abt my life huh? hehe xDD ok fine time to blog-ed in it...xDD

Weee!! finally sch has started...yesh i was dead bored at home...well not really...i was busy wif jln jln raya wif my frens and work...AND most impt is i went out wif my beloved elmo..hehe xDD well the gd days hav to come to an end...time for me to buck my studies and aim for poly...FILM,SOUND,VIDEO or MASS COMM!! lol i dun even noe if i can get in...haiz...that is so my dream course...so i better aim 2.8 gpa...MUST DO BETTER!!! I CAN DO IT!! LOL!! oppz juz smthing to help motivate myself to study better...

And my sch time table is a bit sucky though...i am going to end lastest at ard 5pm...wah no fun one..well i hav to face it...and the books are getting thicker..o.o wth...its like a dictionary..i prefer reading dictionary rather than my textbk...mauahahaha!! nah!

My hair hav gotten longer...weee!! i noe i noe...u all gonna say...action sey..LOL!! finally my dream emo hair is gonna come true...BUT!! my teacher saw my long hair....and told those wif long hair to cut it...argh...this hair hav been growing since last 2 mths...well i hav better think of a way to escape my teacher's eyes...I NOE!! WEAR A HAIRBAND AND A SKIRT!! lol! xDD siao!! i will nvr do that...but if smone dared me too,i will do it...xDDD

my relationship wif her is such a blissful one...gosh i nvr felt love like this wif my other exs...she is such a nice and loving girl who deserve every single of my love...hehe...xDD i juz wish we could live nearer to each other...but love hav no boundaries...no matter how far both of us are...and time flew by so quickly..ILHSM!!

and finally some pics wif my frens during jln jln raya...
Alif and Me Wif Shades cause its too bright in the bus!!!
Group photo on stage!!Retarded me on the train!!! xDDWTF are they looking at? LOL!!

and well thats all..hehe anyways thx for viewing my blog...ENJOY UR DAE EVERYONE!!

10:49 PM
the out of reach


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya!! MUAHAHAH!! A month of fasting and redemption hav already passed..NOW ITS TIME FOR CELEBRATION!! well i enjoyed my first dae of celebration...and finally i am going to blog my dae..since my blog is like dead...better do it fast cause i might going out in awhile...hehe xDDDD

ok i had a busy dae on the nite of hari raya...i had to help my mum wif the household chores...hey i still do household chores k? xDD n i still hav time to go to the gym for while since i hav to go buy bottled drinks after that....wee~ then i went back home at ard 10pm..n psst~ i went to smoke machine before i went back home...X.X i some sort broke my promise to my elmo...temptation...haiz....but i noe i shld try to control myself...trying to stop smoking~ hehe xDD

n after all that household chores,i knocked out...lol i was seriously tired sia...hehe and i woke up at 11am the next morning...wow...X.X

n my house is shining wif goldness wif so many things yellowish gold...xDDD hehe eh i think i hav to go now...psst~ i juz woke up frm my beauty slp though...and now i need to bathe... adn maybe pics speak a thousand words huh?

4:34 PM
the out of reach
