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Welcome to my blog
Enter at your Risk While I Bleed..

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Special Thanks to

deviantart -texture. & dame


Muhd Aidil Ibnor Bin Kamaruddin
Born 09/05/1990
Republic Polytechnic(2009-More Years To Enjoy)
A Simple Guy With A King Kong Feature
Attached to girl whom he loves
---His Wishes---
New Slide Handphone
New Laptop
Motorcycle(Honda CBR 125 or 150)
That Emo Hairstyle
Pass My Motorcycle License
6 Packs(I am too big)
More clothes

msn: xxsubzeroxx2@hotmail.com

Bleed in Here

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Blog-RP Frens

Tay Zar

My Past,Present And Future

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March 2010
April 2010

Monday, April 20, 2009

Whoosh! and the dae pass by to reveal my first dae in my polytechnic yr...lol...it was hectic...cause i was rather quiet myself...trying to open up myself to ppl...well gonna take time to make frens...well it didnt take long though...since to me todae was fun!!

todae i went to sch wif my frens that i went for orientation early in the morning at 7.30.. at woodlands mrt station...and lucky enough i wasnt the late one..lol..i dun noe why...usually i was the later one...hehe well a new sch,a new term,a new me...weee! finally my bad habit is gonna be behind me...we reached sch at 8.15am...lol so early though....BUT there was like tons of ppl at the lift lobby,waiting for the lift...so lazy arh ppl to take the stairs...hehe xDD well i also..finally got into my class which will be mine for 16 wks...SMELL IT AIDIL!! lol..opps i smell my smelly feet...darn...and the lesson started...AND OMG!! its science...AND ITS BIOLOGY!! blood blood blood...

Luckily my team members were easy to click wif..PHEW!! i am in the rite grp...hehe xDD we managed to do things at the same time enjoy our time chatting and disturbing each other sey..and the presentation was fun..i guess i juz hav to cut my fears and do my best..hehe xDD

and overall,my dae hav been fun and enjoyable...i juz more of this dae can? lol but tmr is maths..darn...my weakest subject..NVM!! hav positive thinking...anyways thx for reading!! -aidil out-

8:33 PM
the out of reach


Sunday, April 19, 2009

3rd dae of orientation

Finally the final dae of the orientation...wake up at ard 5.30am and meet up my frens at the mrt station at woodlands mrt station...and daniel was slow..haha...doing his make up i think..LOL!! at that time we meet up wif 2 frens frm different sch..i cant remember the name sey...it was so wierd..and i cant remember wierd names that well...hehe..xD and off we go to the poly...i cant seem to remember the first part of the dae..since it was boring like hell...then during lunch,as usual eat lunch and slacked ard...X.X boredom runs in the blood...after that,we hav to come out wif a dress made out of paper adn newspaper...nice...and spray painted the dress...we made a snake...i thinks its more like an anaconda...so freaking long lor..

after that i hang out outside since i dun wish to be involved wif the cheer practice..and at nite there was a jam hop party...me,wan cicak and fadhly went back home first to get changed into fresh clothes and head for the party...and i still can squeeze a bit of time to meet up wif my wifey before i went for the party..thx wifey for the drink...and off we went for the party...gosh there was like alot of noise and havoc frm the 3rd floor open space...PARTY TIME!!! the first part was the rock jamming...didnt really got into mood to dance yet...and when they played linkin park-inthe end,i was like high and started dancing like i nvr did..OMG!! then it was rnb-hiphop...danced like there was no tmr sey...i can feel the heat ard me since everyone was dancing and jumping close to each other..i guess it was disco in a legal one..hehe..went back home tired and soaked in sweat...and i went back home first to change before i went out to go out to fetch my wifey frm work...

wow really tiring and FUN dae...thats the end of the orientation...i am so gonna join STUDENT LEADER!! hehe XDDD anyways thx for reading...-aidil out-

5:07 PM
the out of reach


2nd Dae Of The Orientation

Okie finally i am gonna blogged abt the 2nd dae of the orientation..I had to wake early in the at 5.30am since i hav to meet up wif my frens at the mrt station...we all meet u at yew tee mrt station since most of them were there...and off we go to republic poly...gosh there was like a big grp of ppl hanging ard the woodlands mrt station...similiar faces as they r wearing the republic poly t-shirt...i really wonder they hav to make it black since they noe it absorbs heat easily...darn...i sweat easily u noe that!! shoot...nvm i noe i gonna hav to endure a dae of games again..we assemblied at the agora hall in our teams...and 9.30am we were off to play the stations again...first of all we had wet captain ball...gosh gosh gosh!! frm the name i knew we hav to be wet anyways...one of my fren got wet badly...hehe xDD but overall it was fun..since finally i got myself involved in the games...

next was the human table soccer..and it was fun..really!! we were to hold hands and play soccer like playing on the soccer table...and thx to my fren,wan cicak,he managed to be the MVP in the game.scoring 2 goals...sweet!! SEG Team 8!! and after that i forgot wad game we had...short term memory sey...at ard 12.30pm we had our lunch..and after that,we slacked for like 3hrs..since no one in my grp brought a laptop for photo blogging...LOL! my fren,fadhly went off at 2pm since it was boring like hell for him...then after he left,we had a cheering practice...and gosh...bored like hell...i went back home at ard 4pm..since i promised my wifey to meet her when i finished my sch...finally its being so long i hav seen my wifey...I MISS U SO DARN ALOT LAH!! wo ai ni!! lol..hehe hang out wif her till ard 8pm..at least i managed to give her tons of kisses...

and i reached home at ard 9pm...and thats the end of dae 2...

4:54 PM
the out of reach


Thursday, April 16, 2009

WEEE!! i love the smell of polytechnic!! hehe...finally my long lost dream came true...and its time for me to take charge and change my live into a better one..

Abt my poly orientation..

Dae One
Its was nerve-wreaking feeling as i feel like the first dae in sch again...this time POLY!! lol...luckily i got to noe that my fren frm ITE is in the same course as me..phew...as least i knew smone at a totally new enviroment! i got up at ard 7am and got ready...i went out to take a train at ard 7.50am and met my fren in the train towards woodlands...and finally met up wif her cousin..and met up wif her step bro at choa chu kang...and we all walked frm woodlands mrt towards republic poly...hehe it was a nice feeling...as i looked ard,there was like a hundreds of ppl walking towards republic poly...we all walked towards to agora hall 3 for school of engineering...and got into grp 8...looking ard and seeing a lot of ppl that is unfamiliar towards me makes me wanna juz dig a hole under me and hide in it..LOL!! thats how nervous i was...

after the short briefing abt the orientation,we were given each a buff..i think that is wad its spell..LOL!! and after we had to go off for a game of like amazing race..gosh...at first i thought the sch was small but instead it was huge...tiring sey walk ard like crazy...first station was beat the beat...lol its was havoc...we were asked to follow the student leader beats...and do it as a team...instead we anyhow do and got the point..LOL!! nice work team...hehe then off to the next station and i forgot wad is next sey...oo yah!! its moon ball...eh lazy to explain the game arh..had tons of fun wif that game..xDD then its was lunch time...gosh..WAS I FAMISHED!! during got to noe wif the student leader and another guy in our grp..

after we had more games...more fun and more havoc...hehe xDD it was sheer fun...and finally the dae came to an end at 5pm...

and i am currently missing my wifey...will blog abt my 2nd tmr after i finished my 3rd dae...THX FOR READING MY BLOG!! -aidil out-

10:33 PM
the out of reach


Okie i am back..FINALLY!! i hav been busy wif sch..and finally i am out of ITE...N INTO POLY!!! WOOHOO!!! thats why i hav been not blogging...n rite now i am having my orientation rite now...so will be blogging abt it tmr aites? So look forward to it...!!

12:13 AM
the out of reach
